Manuscripts are most essential milestone in human history.

In our age, due to variety of knowledge sources,  manuscripts  as cultural heritage, may be considered to lose their worth, but they are the most important instruments since they are bridge between past and future generation.

Although everything written in hand is called “manuscript”, as a term of it means  handwritten book in fact.  Even if manuscripts are known covered-book in general, some of manuscripts are roll of paper.

Today, manuscripts belonging to Turkish history  are collected in prestigious museums and libraries of the world. And also manuscripts of  Islamic civilation cover variety of fields such as  religious, linguisitc, phiysic, chemistry, magicbotanic, geography and encyclopedic works.

Manuscripst had been in function until printing houses became widespread. Also manuscripts were maintained to use at the beginnig of 19th Century.

Most of 27.648 manuscripts were digitized. Our manuscript collection is accessible on digital library of National Library of Turkey.